Getting-to-know: Emulsifiers

Emulsifying agents are substances which hold and stabilize liquids that do not normally mix up such as oil and water. Emulsifying agents act as a glue at the biochemical level in our body and keep water and oil...


The Most Important Nutrients Missing In Your Diet

Dependent on your geographical location, certain nutrients might not be as abundant in your diet as others. Dietary fiber levels are very low in the western diet. When not in control, the western diet along with the sedentary...

Discover The Health Wonders of Acerola Cherries

Vitamin C content in Acerola Cherries is so high that no other fruits can beat them. Results demonstrated that Acerola had the highest antioxidant capacity, and no other fruit was able to match it. Brazil is one of...

Carbs Can Be Bad to Your Health, What About Your Mood?

WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, social and mental wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. What is health? Most of us consider health as the absence of disease. In the 5th century,

Psychoactive Food: Nutmeg, A Relaxant Food, Gets Converted to MDMA in Your Body

Nutmeg has many health benefits. But it contains two psychoactive compounds, myristicin and elemicin, which both get converted to MDMA and Mescaline in the body respectively  MDMA and Mescaline are psychoactive drugs that have relaxing effects.  Very high...

7 Tips to Get All Your Daily Nutritional Needs

Average human adults require a minimum of 1700 kcal/day for their energy requirements. According to the Word Health Organization (WHO), 1.9 billion people across the globe are either obese or over weight. Meanwhile...


Why You Should Avoid Artificial Food Colorants

Food Colourants belong to the group of food additives that give specific colours to food commodities. They are available in different forms: solid, liquid, powders, gels, and pastes. Over the past 2 decades, there has been a great acceleration in the marketability of colourants. The Market of Food Colorants North America and...

Getting-to-know: Emulsifiers

Emulsifying agents are substances which hold and stabilize liquids that do not normally mix up such as oil...

7 Tips to Get All Your Daily Nutritional Needs

Average human adults require a minimum of 1700 kcal/day for their...

The Most Important Nutrients Missing In Your Diet

Dependent on your geographical location, certain nutrients might not be as abundant in your diet as others. Dietary...

Why Is Dietary Fiber Important For You

Fibers are generally classified as soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. The ideal daily intake of dietary fibers for adult men and adult women is 38g and 25g, respectively. Along with constipation, low fiber consumption can also cause elevation of LDL cholesterol, and obesity. Although high fiber diet proves...

Discover The Health Wonders of Acerola Cherries

Vitamin C content in Acerola Cherries is so high that no other fruits can beat them. Results demonstrated that Acerola had the highest antioxidant capacity, and no other fruit was able to match it. Brazil is one of...

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery – Can it Impact Your Ability to Breastfeed?

Most women, regardless of age, race and ethnicity, find aesthetic important. Self-love is often attached to how one maintains physical and mental wellbeing. Cosmetic plastic surgeries including breast augmentation have gained popularity lately but do they impact one's ability...

6 Healthy Eating Habits to Keep after The Lockdown is Over

An experimental vaccine for COVID-19 has been showing positive results according to scientists from AstraZeneca and Oxford University.According to a recent study, half of the 1,000 Americans surveyed are now cooking and baking more frequently and are consuming more...